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Dear current and potential sponsors,

As you know, the RMRC exists today due to the generous sponsorships from suppliers within our industry. 

If you have any questions about your sponsorship, please reply to this email or reach out to Katie Rudnick (

We look forward to partnering with you!


  • Sponsorship payments are due by January 1st. Payments received after January 25th may be subject to additional fees.

  • Logos must be submitted to RMRC Sponsorship Committee Chair by February 8 to ensure inclusion on RMRC signage.

  • RMRC has adopted a No Solicitation Policy All attendees are prohibited from soliciting business in any fashion at RMRC functions to ensure the forum for interaction remains open and free from bias.

  • Marketing collateral and tables must be in place at least 20 minutes prior to event start time.

  • Peak Plus sponsors must provide one-page marketing flyer by the announced deadline date to ensure distribution.

  • Sponsorship commences on the latter of January 1st of calendar year or date sponsorship funds are received.

  • Sponsorship is for one calendar year – all sponsorship benefits end on December 31st of the year for which sponsorship is purchased regardless of purchase date.

  • Sponsorship is not transferrable.

  • RMRC cannot store excess marketing collateral prior to or after any event.

  • RMRC reserves the right to make changes to sponsorship levels and benefits each year.

  • Sponsor logo signage may or may not be displayed at all events, at the discretion of RMRC.

RMRC is a non-profit 501 (C) (6) organization. RMRC relies heavily on sponsorship dollars, annual membership and conference fees to fund on-going operations. Sponsorship provides service providers with a great opportunity for exposure at events and on the RMRC website. Your support is greatly appreciated.

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Business Address
Address line 2
Zip/Postal Code
*Sponsorship Tier ($USD)
 Payment frequency
Email Address(es) for Free Membership
Peak Plus: 3 Members
Peak: 2 Members
Summit: 1 Members
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